New TŌKENA available

TŌKENA! Nā te waewae e kimi.

TŌKENA to purchase that allows the expression of pride of who we are and where we come from. Have apparel that showcases what a strong, resilient and thriving people we are.

Ko wai au?

He uri au nō te awa tupua. Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au. Ko Kaihau Hunapo ahau. TŌKENA was created through a Rangatahi Pākihi Wānanga in Whanganui. We learnt about the concepts to start-up, manage and maintain our own pākihi. With my whānau I want to grow and share my TŌKENA with the motu.


Currently only shipping within Aotearoa. Please message us for international options.

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